Our host; Dr.G had his first paranormal experience at only eight years old. With over five decades of storytelling, magic and paranormal story collection he is an award winning story teller on a mission to revive firelight and the telling of stories!
Ghostly Connections: Balloons, Rings, and Unseen Forces
Dive into a world where the lines between our lives and the spirit realm blur in this enchanting episode. We begin with Dr. G’s personal reflections on unexpected challenges and illness, setting a relatable stage for listeners. Tammy shares her captivating story that begins with inexplicable sensations—whiffs of lilacs signaling a spirit's presence, demonstrating how our departed loved ones linger close, especially during significant moments in life.
The episode unfolds with an extraordinary recount of Mandy’s birthday, where a simple balloon becomes a conduit for messages of love from the other side. Each toss of the balloon carries the aroma of revered family members who have departed, showing us how memories can manifest in tangible experiences. Through these touching connections, we explore themes of memory and love that persist beyond physical absence.
We then transition to a story of a meaningful ring with a complicated family history, highlighting themes of trust, memory, and the intricate web of family ties. These tales weave together humor, nostalgia, and profound insights into how our spirits can connect. As we laugh and reflect, we invite listeners to ponder their own experiences with the paranormal and consider how the unseen continues to interact with our lives.
What ghostly stories have you experienced? We want to hear from you! Join us on this explorative journey into the magic and mystery of spirit tales. Don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share with fellow ghost story enthusiasts.
Good afternoon everybody. It's Dr G, spirit Tales and Magic. I hope everyone is doing well. It's been a long time since I put a podcast up and we won't touch on all the reasons for that, but let's just say, at any time in my life, if I ever said I was sick or if I've ever, ever uttered the words but I was sick where if I've ever ever uttered the words I'm the sickest I've ever been Then I would not have known about the last couple of months. Excuse me, so, uh has not been good, but I'm back and hey, guess what? It's only 219 days until October.
Speaker 1:So what are we going to do for Halloween this coming year? Who knows? We're not sure where we're going to be yet or what we're going to do. I can tell you that this year so far, well, it's on a couple of things. Probably, what's going to happen on the next episode is I wanted to do a big thing on New Year's Eve about what podcasts were the best and got the most reads and things like that and reads and things like that. So I'm going to repost near-death experience the man, the girl and the tiger. And Annie, I'm going to repost your story because those are the top three stories for the year. I thought that was pretty cool.
Speaker 1:So, without getting too much into the past and all of the things that have been going wrong, I am back in the office and a young lady named Tammy, who's a tenant of ours, tells this story some connection to the other side. And while he doesn't seem to be able to contact people, it's weird when he is in the presence of a spirit of the family he smells a smell. Now, for example, kayla and I could tell you that when grandma's around we smell lilacs, that sort of thing, she said when it first started happening I kind of dismissed it and didn't put much stock in it. But we were married a very long time and it never went away. So on my daughter Mandy's 13th birthday, some boys were around and they were going to toilet paper the house. He and Mandy go outside and all of a sudden a balloon was spotted out the corner of his eye. It moved through the evergreens, stopping in front of Mandy. Then he said he noticed the smell of her great-grandma. He goes, I can smell great-grandma bernie's house. Mandy grabs the balloon and tosses it up into the air and it blows around, but it comes back to her and each time it comes back there was a different smell associated with a departed loved one. She tosses the balloon away a total of five times. The sixth time she throws the balloon up in the air and it comes back with no smell, as if no memory were attached. They brought the balloon into the house where my ex-husband would give the balloon commands such as If this is you, please make the balloon move. And after a while they said If you're Uncle Jim, please move the balloon. Uncle Jim, you see, was the family prankster and at the end of the night the balloon was put in the corner of the room and sometime in the night the balloon moved into Mandy's room, just next to her head, which is where we found it. When we all woke up and we knew that, along with all the other relatives, uncle Jim must have come to wish her a happy birthday. I thought that was a pretty cute story.
Speaker 1:Along those lines, for a number of years of my life I had this ring that someone lied to me about. They said it had belonged to my birth father. I don't even have a picture of my birth father, so to have something that was his, I held it in very high regard and at some of the worst moments of my life, when I had to walk away from everything, I had a hold of the ring. Every time the ring would go missing, the ring would come back. I'd find it somewhere where I was sure I had already looked for it. Every time the ring would go missing, the ring would come back. I'd find it Somewhere where I was sure I had already looked for it and it wasn't there. But here it is back.
Speaker 1:One day I came upon a member of my father's family and it wasn't like it was a happy reunion. I won't go into the details, but it was not a good time. A good time was not to be had by all at this particular meeting. As it turns out, this particular ring was not my father's. It was the husband of the person I was talking to. My father had stolen the ring from this man because he owed him money.
Speaker 1:Now, when I meet this person, I'm wearing it. It fits my pinky and I'm wearing the ring, and she immediately goes into the story of the ring and how it disappeared and she wants it. I would like to have that back. I'm like you know. I have one person that told me it was my father's. Now I have you telling me it's not. I really don't know either one of you very well. Apparently, one of you is lying and I'm not sure which one it is. So what would you expect me to do in this particular circumstance, particular circumstance?
Speaker 1:I said how much money was the alleged amount that this person owed to my father? She said some insignificant amount like a hundred dollars. Now, jokingly, I said okay, so let's give a hundred100 to some charity that you support in the name of my father and your husband, and the next time I lose the ring, if it doesn't come back, maybe I'll know it was true. And she's like you're just like your father, get away from me. So someone had given her my phone number and she called me. She said I am going to put $50 to st Jude's and you put $50 to st Jude's, I'm going to use my husband's name and you can use your father's name. Okay, she goes and I'm going to get a receipt so I can take it off my taxes and I'm going to send that to your email. Whatever, that's great. So we did it. And she said then I want to meet you in the same place that I met you today and I would like you to give me the ring she goes cause it's his and you know it's not yours and it never was fair enough.
Speaker 1:Okay, a couple of days later I'm doing a closeup show and I have this one particular particular trick in the show and the the gag line is okay, we have to get naked now and I'm like just from the fingers that you know no more. I take off all my jewelry, take off my rings, my watch, and I roll up my sleeves so that you can see that there's absolutely no place I'm hiding in this particular exercise for mor Morgan silver dollars. I get done with that. I scoop up all the jewelry and I put it in my pocket, because this is what they call a table hopping event. So I'm going from this table to this table, this table, this table, and there's a time limit, and you know, if you're a frequent listener, how I like to ramble sometimes. So I get all done with the event. It's the end of the night, everything's done. I pack up, I get in the car, I go home.
Speaker 1:The next morning I'm taking all the stuff out of my pockets to throw the pants in the washer, and the ring is not amongst the stuff, it's not there. Oh crap, I lost it. So I was back at the same venue, different crowd, same venue, the next night and went up to the people that know me Anybody turn a ring in to the lost and found no, I lost one of my rings. What's it look like? So I described it and this one banquet person had kind of a funny look on their face and I said so what's? Uh, that rings a bell with you, what? What did you want to say? She said a lady came up, she was sitting in like the last row, uh, at the end of the night and she said tell him thank you for returning this ring. And when I asked him who him was, she said the guy you call dr g. I get a phone call before the show the next night from my distant relative from my distant relative that I don't claim much. And, uh, she says the ring looks good on my finger, thank you.
Speaker 1:So how did you get in possession of the ring? Did you pick my pocket, because I didn't even see you at the show? Oh, my girlfriend and I bought the last couple of tickets that they had. We were clearing the back row, like in the middle of the seats. It was a really crappy seat. She goes. You do very good at the shows, though. She said.
Speaker 1:Now the next part of this you're not going to believe, she said. But I was washing my hands in the bathroom, she said, and I always take my rings off when someone else is there with me because I don't want the soap getting down the diamonds and stuff like that. She said, and when I went to pick the rings back up, there was an extra ring sitting there. I've never heard from her again, nor do I actually ever want to, but that is the story that she tells.
Speaker 1:Does the balloon find the little girl? Did the ring find LaVon? I don't know. Do you have something that has come back to you that way? And also, what are you going to do for Halloween?
Speaker 1:Do you know yet? Because I'm kind of curious. See, I'll dock 219 days, and that's just till October the 1st, because that's when October starts. But for October, 219 days, it's a long way away. But think about it. That 219 days is going to blow by quickly and we may actually break protocol and do a big live show somewhere. I don't know yet. We may not. We may just sneak back to Salem, sit around the fire with some friends. I don't know. I don't know what I do know is you have a ghost story or a paranormal story? What's your thing that goes bump in the night? We'd love to hear about it.
Speaker 1:So hopefully we're back now for at least a while. We can get this medical crap behind us and go on with our day, and I know some of you are feeling like the world's a little bit of a mess right now. We're not going to get in the middle of that. But I'll leave you with a thought. I no longer drive the karma bus, but I still have connections to the union. So we live in a world and in a country that I can guarantee you. Things are not always as they seem. Everybody's got an opinion and they can't wait to tell it. But let's try this Tell a ghost story. It's good for you. Thanks for tuning in and hopefully much more to follow. You're listening to Dr G Spirit Tales and Magic and we thank you for listening. Send us your ghost story.