Beyond the Veil in Tombstone: Cassandra's Unexpected Encounter with the Supernatural


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Something followed Cassandra home from Tombstone, and for the first time in our 20+ years of paranormal investigations together, she couldn't simply shield herself from it.

After exploring Bisbee's haunted locations, we couldn't resist a quick visit to nearby Tombstone, primarily to reconnect with our cowboy friend Bob. What began as a simple overnight stop transformed into an unexpected paranormal encounter when we joined the Good Enough Mine trolley tour through Tombstone's historic streets and cemeteries.

Though nothing unusual occurred during our daytime explorations, nightfall brought strange disturbances. I awoke multiple times to find Cassandra tossing, turning, and even speaking in a language she doesn't know. By morning, she revealed disturbing dreams featuring bizarre entities with snake-like eyes – white with slits – that she felt compelled to fight off. These entities had attempted something unprecedented: a spiritual attachment to someone who had successfully maintained strong psychological shields against the paranormal for two decades.

Recognizing the signs, we methodically revisited each location from the previous day's tour, verbally revoking any permission these entities might have claimed. Our final stop was Boot Hill Cemetery, where we performed a more formal dismissal, instructing whatever had attached itself to remain there rather than following us home. The technique worked; Cassandra hasn't experienced similar dreams since.

This raises fascinating questions about spiritual attachments and how they operate. In our experience, entities often target empaths or individuals with pure intentions – perhaps seeking understanding, help crossing over, or sometimes something more sinister. Even those with strong spiritual defenses occasionally encounter something powerful enough to break through, especially in locations saturated with traumatic history like Tombstone.

Have you experienced something following you home from a haunted location? Email your stories to ninpaws@yahoo.com – we'd love to share them on a future episode or even interview you about your experiences.

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Speaker 1:

Good evening everybody. It's Dr G Spirit Tales and Magic. We are not in the studio. The studio kind of. We don't get in there very much. So Cassandra and I are out in the field and, as you recall, we were talking in a previous episode about Cassandra and I being in Bisbee and then going to Tombstone, about Cassandra and I being in Bisbee and then going to Tombstone. So we talked a lot about what went on in Bisbee and oh, by the way, cassandra's here Say hello.

Speaker 2:

Hi everybody.

Speaker 1:

All right. So we proceed on to Tombstone. But before I get to that, a little bit of history. Cassandra and I have been doing this now as a unit for about 20, going 21 years, and we've seen a lot of things. Magic has taken us to literally hundreds of places and tours and events, and you've heard me talk before.

Speaker 1:

If you're a frequent flyer of the podcast, you know that we don't always stay on the beaten path when it comes to tours. We do tend to wander off them a little bit. Now, in most of those times I am the one that feels things and Cassandra's just having fun. Would you agree? I would agree, okay, so it's not a lot of time when something happens, you know, not a lot of time when, when something happens, you know. So we, we do this thing in in Bisbee and it's great, and we can't be that close to tombstone without sliding in there.

Speaker 1:

So we go down to tombstones and our intention was just to find a guy that we know, named Bob, that we met several years ago, and at the time we met him I assumed that everyone knew him and he's a local. He's the real deal. He lives there, he grew up there, he has a horse. He's a cowboy I mean period so and he's a great guy. So we go looking for Bob. That was our intention until we got there. So the minute that we get there, we have to secure a hotel for the night. And it's running late and I'm not going to mention the hotel, but it was not a really good experience and we're not even going to go into that.

Speaker 1:

So we end up going on a tour of the Good Enough Mine. So it's a trolley tour. You start out by walking down. You don't go deep in the mine, you go down into the big opening part. You get some ghost stories and you go on the trolley and as you're going around Tombstone, you get some more ghost stories. Now we're wearing spirit tales and magic clothing, so everybody always sees that. So, oh, what is that? What do you guys do? Usually we don't volunteer that information until after the tour because, to quote Mr Miyagi, not my dojo but we go on the tour and the tour comes to an end and we talk to the tour guide for a little bit about what we do and what he does, and then we go and have some food and get back to the motel.

Speaker 1:

Now, this is where, other than the fact of being angry that things aren't the way I want them to be with the motel. The bed is too soft, needed, replaced, you know, 10 years ago. There are no towels in the room, so that's just little things like that. So, and and because the bed is uncomfortable and you're not in your own place, it's hard to get to sleep. Finally, I get to sleep and I'm awakened by Cassandra tossing and turning. So I kind of, you know, put my arm on her and say it's okay, go to sleep. And this happened several times during the night, and one time she's talking, but I don't recognize. It's not English and Cassandra does not speak a foreign language. So when we wake up the next morning, tell them what you told me.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think I woke up at 4.30 in the morning, and that's not normal for me, but I just laid there for a few minutes trying to figure out what was going on, because I was really confused.

Speaker 1:

And then she tells me about some of these dreams she had and the people.

Speaker 2:

I was fighting with something in this dream. It wasn't a person, but it was more like I don't know. I want to describe it as just a blob of color, but it had a face and there were several of them and I'm fighting with them, trying to just get them away from me. And I had no sense of what they were in the dream. But right before I woke up, all three of them opened their eyes and that scared me to death and boom, I was awake. But I still had this weird sense in my mind of what was that? Why was I so angry and trying to get these things away from me? So I mean, it took me about a half an hour. Rick and I started talking about what that could have meant.

Speaker 1:

And the eyes in the people. They were not like our eyes.

Speaker 2:

No, they were almost like white, with a slit inside them, almost like a snake's eye.

Speaker 1:

I want to say so we had been in several haunted places during the day in two different towns Not unusual for us, but I can tell that something is trying to attach itself to Cassandra. So we come up with a plan that we're going to drive back through the tour that the trolley took, and the trolley went to two cemeteries and it went to a certain street and I'm not going to blow it for you. You need to go to Tombstone and take the trolley tour. It's worth it, but as you're going down this street, it tells you the story of a person on this street and how he killed someone and why street. It tells you the story of a person on this street and how he killed someone and why. So sometimes a spirit will attach itself to someone who's an empath or someone that doesn't have an evil bone in their body. So that's how I figure they're attaching themselves to Cassandra. So we go back through the places and Cassandra tells them if you've attached yourself to me in any way, you are not welcome here, you must stay here.

Speaker 1:

And the final place that we go is to boot Hill and there's a certain way that the fence is made around that cemetery. And again, I don't want to blow it for you. You got to see it. But we stand up against that fence and you know we, we get together as a unit. We, you know, we're touching hands and it's like you're gone. You have crossed. You do not have permission to come home with us. You must rest here. This is Boot Hill, this is your resting place. You will return to this place and be able to rest, and that worked. Cassandra, have you had any other?

Speaker 2:

I have not had any other dreams like that since we left that place, and I normally don't have dreams that I remember, so this was a really big deal for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So, and keep in mind we've talked about this before on the podcast as well Prior to my Aunt, agnes Wagner, visiting me when I was eight, you know, I was raised to believe that there were no such things as ghosts, there were no such things as spirits. That was all you know. My grandpap would tell you that's all the work of the devil and we don't talk about those things in this house and it's just a bunch of made up mumbo jumbo by people. So, of course, over the course of his life, his mind even changed about that. In the last conversation we had three days before he died, he remembered a lot of things, including some stuff at Bastogne where he was with General Patton in World War II, and some ghosts there, and that's a story for another podcast. Some ghosts there, and that's a story for another podcast.

Speaker 1:

So what I want to know is what's your story? Are you a person who never feels anything because you close it out by choice and all of a sudden something creeps in? My daughters and Cassandra are some of the biggest empaths that I've ever met in my life, and some of the people that we meet we feel like we've traveled with before, such as Bob down in Tombstone. Bob and Cassandra and I have run this race more than once, so I feel on that day that everything just lined up, so we were in the right places at the right time. The group of people you know was dialed into the same frequency and something decided that it was going to come along for the ride and Cassandra decided that it wasn't. So score one for us this time. It'll be interesting to see what our next time in Tombstone brings, which may actually be sooner rather than later. We have a seance in Bisbee sometime within the next few days as well.

Speaker 1:

So that's our tombstone story, and this is Cassandra's very first. What do we call it? An attempted possession or just a visit from something from the other side? Now, keep in mind, cassandra is right by my side just about 24-7. So when I had that episode going through the mountains, she was right there. I didn't feel any, you know she didn't feel anything. I felt a lot of things, but we've explained that that's in the, the episode about the three. So she's right there, right in the right in the. You know the thick of it every day, and she's managed to tune herself out of it, which is the way she wants it to be.

Speaker 2:

That is correct right, yes, that's correct.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's not that she's inept or that she can't do it. She chooses not to do it. Would you agree with?

Speaker 2:

that? Yes, I would agree. I put my shield up, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And her shield is very strong. So it was very interesting that in this particular event, you know, something did get in. It couldn't stay in, but it got in.

Speaker 2:

But whenever it was, it was very strong it until you know the next morning.

Speaker 1:

I knew something was wrong in the night, but the next morning I could feel it, you know being there, and in the room we were in, it's uh, there are pictures of wyatt erp and doc holliday and people. They're copies of the original pictures and they're at eye level as you're lying down, so when you open your eyes for any reason, you're staring at those faces. When we were checking into the motel, there were only two rooms left and I didn't feel like going up the stairs. So do you have one on ground level? Well, we do, but it's well, it's haunted and guess what? They were right.

Speaker 1:

So tell me your story. You can send it to ninpaws N-I-N-P-A-W-S at yahoocom and we can either read it on the air or we can connect with you on a platform like Zoom and interview you about it. But we want to hear your stories. So we've got some more stuff coming up about the wild wild west, which is where we currently live, and even a few more things about, maybe, bastogne and Thomas John, which, if you're a frequent flyer of the podcast, you've heard a lot about him. But I wanted to get you that second part of Tombstone that I promised you in a little interview with Cassandra, which is her first interview on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

She's usually the behind-the-scene person that sits on the other side of the glass and pushes all the buttons, but in this particular instance no glass, no buttons. But in this particular instance no glass, no buttons. We're just in the same room with the mic and it's supposed to be filtering out all the crazy stuff that's going on outside, which I don't know if you can hear that or not. Tell me your stories, hit the like, hit the share, spread the word and, hey, tell a ghost story. It's good for you. We're going to be busy in the next few months out around the Wild West, so we're going to see some of you in person and for the rest of you, just keep listening, we'll keep talking and we'll see you inside your mind.

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